روان شناسی و مشاوره::
سوء استفاده جنسی، سوء رفتار جنسی، آزار جنسی
In my junior year, three different priests sexually abused me.
As a woman with experiences of child sexual abuse and rape, I
My mother had sexually abused me until I was eleven.
have flashbacks that I was sexually abused as a child.
attempts, I didn't realize that I was sexually abused as a child,،For instance Klonsky and Moyer (2008) meta-analytic results, which included samples of both adolescents and adults, suggest only a modest association between sexual abuse and NSSI, especially in community-based samples, an association that becomes non-significant when additional risk factors, including the overall quality of the family environment, were accounted for.
As such, the influence of sexual abuse in NSSI's etiology may have been overestimated in past research, particularly when other family based factors were not accounted for.
Gratz, Conrad, and Roemer (2002) showed that the association between childhood sexual abuse and self-injury in a sample comprised primarily of young adults was rendered non-significant when accounting for other risk factors, such as family environment characteristics.
(2013) reported that associations between NSSI and both neglect and sexual abuse in their sample of adolescent and young adult inpatients were not robust to the simultaneous inclusion of multiple maltreatment (i.e.
, sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse) and relational (i.e.،
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